Laughing Dog CSB: Yes that Stands for Crotch Sniffing Bastard!

With a beer name like “Crotch Sniffing Bastard” and explanation is due.  It goes like this: when Ben, the Laughing Dog the brewery is named after, was a pup he used to like to say “hello” by sticking his nose in your crotch and giving a good sniff.  One of their friends coined the term Crotch Sniffing Bastard, or CSB for short, and the name of this brew was hatched.  I guess as a play on the more traditional ESB moniker for Extra/English Strong/Special Bitter Ale.

I’m not really sure what possessed the folks at Laughing Dog to actually name their brew this, but the fact of the matter is they did.  I actually think the name is a bit off putting or repulsive, but after drinking said beer, I wouldn’t let a little vulgarity in the name keep you from giving this brew a good whiff…

This beer poured a light brown color with about a three finger head that dissipated to about a one finger head before I could get this picture taken.  Big bubbles and lots of body to it.  The beer itself was hazy and a kinda odd light brown color like the color of light brown oak leaves in fall.

The nose on this brew was very biscuity.  I have a confession to make here.  I never really knew what people were talking about when they said a beer tasted biscuit like.  I thought they were just being fancy.  You know saying biscuit when they could have said bready.  That all changed with this beer.

This smelled like slightly overdone biscuits as they come out of the oven.  So what about the flavor?  Well this beer was unique, and not unique bad, but unique unique.  That intense biscuit smell was replicated in the flavor, but what was so strange was that it was dead center on my palate!  Again I must confess I had little understanding of when someone said middle palate, but not any more.  I felt as if I could have drawn a target on my tongue where I tasted this beer.  very unique.

It finished with a medium hop bite, just to make sure you knew they were there.  So all in all it went like this, over the lips, and intense biscuit and maltiness in the very middle of my mouth and then a nice and clean hop finish.  Yes this beer was another winner from Laughing Dog.

Not that this brew was that far outside an acceptable flavor profile, but it just had an overall very unique presentation.  This beer was an experience from top to bottom.  If you see this beer pick it up and give it a try.  You might like it, you might not, but it is a journey either way.


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8 Comments on “Laughing Dog CSB: Yes that Stands for Crotch Sniffing Bastard!”

  1. September 15, 2010 at 1:25 pm #

    Isn’t “Crotch Sniffing Bastard” what dad used to call you?

    • Don
      September 15, 2010 at 1:27 pm #

      No, that was Bob the dog. He used to call me Damnit!

      • September 15, 2010 at 1:34 pm #

        Ah, the old Bill Cosby routine – “Damnit, get in the house, it’s raining!”

        “Damnit, did you put the empty milk container back in the fridge?!”

        “Damnit, did you hide my roofies? I got a date coming over!”

        • Don
          September 15, 2010 at 4:22 pm #

          Didn’t he call you Jesus Christ?

  2. September 15, 2010 at 2:17 pm #

    Good stuff Don. I’m planning on picking up a few of the Laughing Dog brews next time I hit total wine. I like ESBs and this sounds like a good one.

    • Don
      September 15, 2010 at 4:23 pm #

      It was good. Just have to get past the name.

  3. September 15, 2010 at 11:00 pm #

    I like the name. I was raised by wolves so its no biggie to me. Woof!

    • September 16, 2010 at 10:37 am #

      Then you’ll love their Leg Humper IPA and their Butt Drag Baltic Porter.

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